
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on research, writing, and practice.


Do You Need New Wi-Fi?
Steve Matthews

Maybe it was you that installed your small firm’s Wi-Fi. Perhaps it was a contractor. For whatever reason, your Wi-Fi router is there and has worked reliably for years. It’s dependable and no one is complaining about it. There seem to be an infinite number of reasons as to why someone’s Wi-Fi router can become old and ignored, but it happens. So if your router hasn’t been considered in more than five years, it’s probably time to review the situation …

Research & Writing

Keep a List of Provinces That You Can Cut and Paste
Bronwyn Guiton

Librarians are frequently asked to provide lists of legislation from across Canada. To save time answering these kinds of questions, keep a handy list of the provinces and territories in the Notes tool in Outlook. Then when you are asked these kinds of questions you can just paste this list into your email or Word document, saving time and effort.

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