
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Official Clio Blog 2. Slater Vecchio Connected 3. The Docket 4. Environmental Law and Litigation 5. Barry Sookman

Official Clio Blog
Why Lawyers Shouldn’t Email Their Clients

You may have heard of Edward Snowden—the infamously labeled “NSA whistleblower.” Regardless of your personal opinion on Snowden’s actions, the fact remains: Professionals, particularly those in fields where confidentiality is paramount (such as the medical or legal professions) must take additional steps to ensure data privacy. …

Slater Vecchio Connected
Getting Back to Your Life after a Concussion

Whack! You’ve had a sudden knock to the head and suddenly you find yourself in pain and in a fog. A trip to the emergency room and a few doctor visits later and it’s confirmed: you have a concussion or a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Whether you got it playing a contact sport, whiplash from a car crash, or falling on a slippery sidewalk, dealing with a concussion can be an ordeal. But with proper diagnosis and treatment, you can recover and get back to your regular routine. …

The Docket
Remanding the Victim

So episode 57 – a new record. But you know that right? Because you subscribe to the show on iTunes and have already rated and reviewed the podcast- right? You should.This week the CBC’s Janice Johnston shed light on a horrifying courtroom injustice – the victim of a brutal sexual assault was remanded into custody because she had difficulty answering questions. The victim was a vulnerable indigenous woman. She had committed no crime. She showed up to court. But she found herself in jail – beside the man who attacked her. …

Environmental Law and Litigation
3-month Jail Time for Illegally Trafficking Iguanas

An Ontario man was sentenced to three months jail in New Brunswick for illegally trafficking threatened iguanas. The individual, who is from Thornhill, Ontario, was sentenced in Fredericton Provincial Court to concurrently serve two three-month jail terms after pleading guilty to one count of importing an animal without necessary permits and one count of exporting an animal from Cuba without the proper authorization. Failure to obtain the import and export permits is a contravention of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act. …

Barry Sookman
The year in review: developments in computer, internet and e-commerce law (2016-2017)

I gave my annual presentation today to the Toronto computer Lawyers’ Group on “The year in review in Computer, Internet and E-Commerce Law”. It covered the period from June 2016 to June 2017. The developments included cases from Canada, the U.S. the U.K., and other EU and Commonwealth countries.The developments were organized into the broad topics of: Online Liability/Intermediary Remedies, Copyright, Trade-marks/Domain Names, Technology Contracting, e-Commerce & Online Agreements, and Canada’s (despised) anti-spam/malware law, CASLThe cases referred to are listed below. My slides can be viewed after the case listing. These and many other cases will be added to my 7 volume book on Computer, Internet and E-Commerce Law (1988-2016). …


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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