Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Alcohol & Advocacy 2. Thoughtful Legal Management 3. Family LLB 4. Canadian Securities Law 5. The Factum
Alcohol & Advocacy
Roncarelli v. Duplessis: Abuse of power by the Quebec Liquor Commission
Provincial liquor Acts furnish their respective jurisdictions with a complete code for the administration of the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Mr. Justice Rand of the Supreme Court of Canada, all the way back in 1959, observed that these provincial Acts recognize the association of wines and liquors as embellishments of food and “its ritual as an interest of the public”. He went on to find that once obtained, a licence or permit to sell alcohol at a bar or restaurant becomes a vital part of that establishment. This was over 60 years ago. …
Thoughtful Legal Management
Toxic Workplaces: Avoiding Burnout while Staying Positive
When one thinks of toxic environments, one doesn’t tend to think of law offices as falling into that category. Yet I get calls from partners, associates and staff alike who are having to cope with working in such situations. In some offices matters are dire; the stress of working in these environments are taking their toll on the person’s health and well-being, on their careers and certainly on their home life as well as they can’t help but carry the effects home. After a time some of these people reach the breaking point and leave. Others are not so fortunate and are looking for tips on how to cope with being in such a situation. …
Family LLB
Surprise! Father Changes Will to Benefit New Wife Over Devoted Son – The Law on Revoking a Will
An Alberta case from a few years ago highlights an important point about Wills: They confer no rights until the very moment of the testator’s death, and can be revoked by him or her at any time before then. The backstory went like this: Robert was born in 1973, as an only child. His parents divorced five years later. …
Canadian Securities Law
Preparing for Proxy Season: Board Accountability and Environmental, Social and Governance Factors
Having completed our annual deep dive into the past year’s corporate governance developments and trends, we have developed a four-part series on what you need to know to prepare for the 2020 proxy season. In this first post of the series, we look…
The Factum
Training and resources update: video library for community workers
Last year, we asked trusted intermediaries (community workers, helping professionals or volunteers, and Elders) about the ways they support British Columbians who are facing legal issues. We sent a survey to community-based workers about their online training needs and received survey responses from more than 120 different communities around BC, including 38 Indigenous communities. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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