Tips Tuesday: cHANGE Case in Microsoft Word

We’ve all been there, started typing a sentence without realizing our caps lock was on ONLY FOR IT TO END UP LOOKING LIKE THIS. Ordinarily, we’d probably backspace and re-type it, but what if I told you there was a handy feature in Microsoft Word which can change your sentence case for you in one click eliminating the need for deleting and re-typing?

Let me introduce you to the “Change Case” feature. IF YOU END UP IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS all you have to do, is highlight the text you want to fix, and then press SHIFT + F3. There are multiple case types that you can use:

  1. Sentence Case.
  2. lowercase
  4. Capitalize Each Word
  5. tOGGLE cASE

When your text is highlighted press SHIFT + F3 as many times as you’d like to cycle through the cases until you’re satisfied with how your text looks. You can also access this feature near the font selection in the Home tab. The icon is “Aa” and when clicked will show you a dropdown menu identical to the one I’ve provided above.

Happy typing!

-Charlene Scheffelmair (@cscheffy11)

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