
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Hull & Hull Blog 2. Kate Dewhirst 3. Crossroad Family Law Blog 4. Robichaud’s Criminal Law Blog 5. The Lean Law Firm

Hull & Hull Blog
Lights, Camera, Mediation!

Let’s talk about mediation in film. When we see lawyers portrayed in the media, it is often a stark contrast to the practice of law in the real world. We find ourselves shaking our heads at the speed at which deals are completed or the advice provided to clients. One aspect of the law that we see portrayed in film is mediation. Some of these portrayals are done much better than others. One such movie that does a good job at it, which is ironic because we would not think of it as a serious movie for any other purpose, is Wedding Crashers. …

Kate Dewhirst
Responsible for compliance? Put yourself in the way of beauty

Listening to the Podcast, “We Can Do Hard Things” with Glennon Doyle, in Episode 118 Cheryl Strayed (author of “Wild” and other best-selling books) said that the best advice she ever received was from her mother who told her that as often as possible she should “put herself in the way of beauty“. By that she meant, when you can, choose to notice the beauty all around you. When I started my law firm, I wondered … Can the law be beautiful? What would it mean if what I did as a lawyer was “beautiful”? …

Crossroad Family Law Blog
How the Rise of Digital Currencies is Complicating Family Law Cases

n recent years, the rise of cryptocurrency has presented unique challenges in family law proceedings, particularly as it relates to the division of family property. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others, have become increasingly popular as alternative investment assets. As more individuals embrace these digital currencies, their presence in family law cases is becoming more common. However, …

Robichaud’s Criminal Law Blog
Can I be charged with sexual assault in Canada based on one person’s word alone?

Yes. One of the most common misconceptions I see in my practice is the idea that the word of an accuser (also known as a complainant or alleged victim) is not evidence of a sexual assault. Or, so the misconception goes, it is not enough evidence to warrant a prosecution. The truth is that many sexual assault prosecutions are based entirely on one person’s allegation. In these cases, there is no medical evidence, incriminating text messages, recordings of the alleged offence, statements from the accused person, or anything else that might support the allegation. …

The Lean Law Firm
E195: Maximize Your Law Firm’s Success with Our Winning 5-Step SOP Process

As your business grows, your first instinct may be to hire more staff to fill the gaps and handle the increasing workload. But new hires aren’t always the solution. You may not need more people to scale your practice. You may just need to get the right people doing the right work. …


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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