Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Susan On The Soapbox 2. Library Boy 3. Legal Feeds 4. David Whelan 5. Lawyered Podcast
Susan On The Soapbox
And Now for Something Completely Different
Politics in Alberta feels like a Monty Python comedy sketch, only not as funny. But that’s not why I’ve used John Cleese’s signature line as the title of today’s blog post. I’ve been thinking a lot about “something completely different” ever since I started French classes last September. It turns out sitting in a classroom with a dozen other people who are desperately trying to understand what the teacher just said is a great way to take your mind off the troubling events swirling around us. At least for a couple of hours. …
Library Boy
Nominations Open for 18th Annual Canadian Law Blog Awards
The nomination period for the 18th annual Clawbies is now open. The Clawbies, or Canadian Law Blog Awards, exist to reward the best and most innovative Canadian law-related blogs, social media accounts, podcasts, and newsletters: “Rule #1: Our ‘humble Canadian’ rule: don’t nominate your own publication or project for a Clawbie. It doesn’t work that way. The only surefire way of getting your work on our radar is to give props to other commentary authors. Follow this rule and we’ll take a look at your work too!” …
Legal Feeds
Minister should have considered Charter rights of parents denied access to NWT French schools: SCC
Parents were not rights holders under s. 23, which guarantees minority language rights. In exercising her discretion on whether to admit five non-francophone students into the territory’s French-language schools, the Northwest Territories’ Minister of Education, Culture and Employment was required to consider s. 23 of the Charter, the Supreme Court has found. …
David Whelan
Small Groups, Loosely Connected
The fragmentation of social media has been something to behold. I am still trying to wrap my head around what it means for law library marketing and outreach. We want to be where people are but that only scales so far. The other thing is that maybe they don’t always want us there. Ironically, it was a lawsuit that led me down this path. …
Lawyered Podcast
90: Workplace Investigations Law (Christine Thomlinson) – December 6, 2023
On our Season 9 finale, we wrap up with an important conversation with Christine Thomlinson about recent cases and issues in workplace investigations law. Topics: participation in toxic workplace cultures; improper investigations; duties of care owed by investigators; and our Ask-Me-Anything Program. This program contains 30 minutes of substantive content for the Law Society of Ontario’s CPD requirements. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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