Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Canadian Securities Law 2. The Lean Law Firm 3. À bon droit 4. Le Blogue du CRL 5. Avoid a Claim
Canadian Securities Law
OSC Proposes Fee Increase for Restricted Dealers, Including Crypto Asset Trading Platforms
The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) recently proposed amendments (the “Proposed Amendments”) to OSC Rule 13-502 Fees and OSC Rule 13-503 (Commodity Futures Act Fees) (together, the “Fee Rules”) that would introduce two additional fees for restricted dealers, which include crypto asset trading platforms (“CTPs”). The Proposed Amendments were published for a 90-day comment period that ends on February 7, 2024. …
The Lean Law Firm
E211: How Legal Process Improvement Can Boost Your Efficiency (with Real-Life Case Study)
We talk a lot about process improvement, but people find it hard to imagine the reality of a legal process improvement project. How much time will it take? What will happen? Who has to attend? What are the outcomes? This week we want to give you a look behind the scenes at a real process improvement project, including what it looks like when you put all your identified wastes onto pink stickies and map out where they happen in your process. …
En juillet 2017, nous traitions de la décision dans l’affaire Pop c. Boulanger, dans laquelle la Cour d’appel indiquait que les jugements interlocutoires rendus par les tribunaux de première instance – même s’ils n’ont pas l’autorité de la chose jugée – ne peuvent être modifiés subséquemment à moins d’un changement de circonstances. Nous revenons sur le sujet pour discuter du jugement rendu par l’Honorable juge Patrick Healy dans Bessette c. Foisy (2023 QCCA 1511). …
Le Blogue du CRL
Les enjeux du double mandat de l’avocat de l’assureur et l’assuré
Le 30 janvier 2023, la Cour d’appel rend un arrêt dans un dossier qui oppose des assureurs (intimés) contre leurs assurés (appelantes) dans le dossier Commission scolaire de la Jonquière c. Intact Compagnie d’assurance, 2023 QCCA 124. En première instance, l’avocat des appelantes, rémunérées par les intimés et donc en situation de double mandat, a préparé divers documents et avis au soutien du litige. …
Avoid a Claim
Notice to legal associations: Amendments to Rules of Civil Procedure (O. Reg. 388/23)
On December 14, 2023, Ontario Regulation 388/23 was filed to amend the court rules and forms for estate court proceedings in the Superior Court of Justice. The regulation will come into force on April 1, 2024. The amended forms are available on the Court Services Division Court Forms website. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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