Happy New Year to our readers.We hope 2024 is a year of peace, balance and prosperity. We present our top ten condo law cases of 2023 in our newest issue of Condo Alert! Here’s hoping the past decisions help us in navigating noise, nuisance vs. maintenance, repair and chargeback disputes and promote our oft repeated mantra of “reasonableness in condos”. …
Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. À bon droit 2. Administrative Law Matters 3. Legal Feeds 4. Ontario Condo Law Blog 5. PierreRoy & Associés
À bon droit
Pour pouvoir intervenir dans une instance, une personne doit avoir un intérêt personnel dans le litige
Une personne qui désire intervenir dans un litige doit avoir un intérêt dans ledit litige. Cela implique nécessairement cet intérêt soit personnel et direct – et non simplement moral – comme l’indique l’Honorable juge Bernard Synnott dans l’affaire Succession de Gentili (2023 QCCS 4737). …
Administrative Law Matters
The Application of the Open Court Principle to Administrative Tribunals: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Canada (Parole Board), 2023 FCA 166
In an interesting recent decision, the Federal Court of Appeal grappled with the scope of the ‘open court’ principle. In Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Canada (Parole Board), 2023 FCA 166, the CBC sought judicial review of the Board’s refusal to release copies of the audio recordings of parole hearings of three offenders, amongst them Paul Bernardo. Ultimately, the Board’s decision was quashed as it reasons “were incoherent, relying on risks that had already materialized affecting opportunities that were unlikely to arise in a foreseeable future” (at para. 85). This was standard Vavilovian reasonableness review fare. …
Legal Feeds
Law Society of Alberta emphasizes public confidence in new strategic plan
Three-year strategic plan includes competency, regulation, promoting wellness. The Law Society of Alberta’s 2024-2026 strategic plan, released earlier this month, emphasizes effective regulation, competency and, for the first time, public confidence. The change aims to clarify the law society’s role in the justice system. …
Ontario Condo Law Blog
Top Ten Condo Law Cases of 2023
PierreRoy & Associés
Mesurer son endettement : au-delà du taux d’endettement
Les personnes qui nous consultent s’interrogent souvent sur la gravité de leur endettement. Se font-elles du souci à tort, ou sont-elles véritablement au bord du précipice? Nous examinons ici les facteurs qui entrent en jeu dans cette évaluation. …
*Randomness here is created by Random.org and its list randomizing function.
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