Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Employment & Human Rights Law in Canada 2. PierreRoy & Associés 3. Susan On The SoapboxBlog 4. SOQUIJ | Le Blogue 5. Precedent: The New Rules of Law and Style
Employment & Human Rights Law in Canada
How do prior regulatory convictions affect sentencing outcomes for new OHSA violations?
In workplace safety, adherence to the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) is paramount. Welcome to the third blog in our OHSA series. Discover how previous regulatory convictions impact sentencing for new OHSA violations. Read our previous blogs…
PierreRoy & Associés
L’hypothèque légale au Québec : que faire si un créancier s’inscrit sur votre immeuble?
Si vous faites face à des difficultés financières et que vous êtes en défaut de paiement, un créancier peut prendre des mesures légales contre vous et inscrire une hypothèque légale sur votre propriété. Si vous vous retrouvez dans cette situation, cet article vous permettra de bien comprendre les enjeux et les solutions disponibles. …
Susan On The Soapbox
Nenshi Wins the NDP Leadership Race
“The purple is an invitation to say: set aside who you are and let’s define ourselves by our common humanity. And I thought to myself: I’ve got no political home. But then I talked to so many of you … my political home is here in the Alberta NDP.”—Naheed Nenshi, leader of the Alberta NDP. If Naheed Nenshi manages his transition to Alberta NDP leader with the same grace he showed in his acceptance speech he’s home free. …
SOQUIJ | Le Blogue
Aliénation parentale: la nature et les limites du recours en responsabilité civile intenté dans le cadre des rapports parentaux et de l’exercice de l’autorité parentale
Le 28 avril 2022, dans un jugement dont les détails ont été abordés dans un billet précédent, la Cour supérieure a condamné un père au paiement de dommages-intérêts dans un dossier où il était question d’aliénation parentale. Le 11 juin dernier, la Cour d’appel est venue préciser la nature et les limites du recours en responsabilité civile introduit dans de telles circonstances. …
Precedent: The New Rules of Law and Style
Is it time to call a legal recruiter?
If you’re feeling lousy about your job, you likely have a specific complaint. Perhaps you’re convinced that your compensation, when measured against your skill set or ability to rack up billable hours, is too low. You might be itching to collaborate with senior colleagues on advanced legal strategy, but your boss refuses to trust you with anything other than routine grunt work. Or maybe you’re livid that, after netting yet another client, you’re still languishing as an income partner. The obvious solution, you’ve started to think, is to leave and take your talent to a competitor. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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