Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit, independent organization dedicated to bringing together the public, the courts, the legal profession and government in order to promote a civil justice system that is accessible, effective, fair and efficient.

Posts by Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

A Billion Here, a Billion There, and a Billion for Legal Aid

by Ab Currie

People-Centered Justice Has Become the Norm in Access to Justice

by Ab Currie

Unequal Access in Canada’s Migrant Caregiver Industry

by Travis Dods and Lisa Moore

The Case for Multi-Disciplinary Models

by Lisa Moore

Democratizing Justice, Whose Problem Is It?

by Ab Currie

Tribunals: A “People-Centered” Framework

From Need to Vulnerability

Measuring Matters

Serving the Needs of the Many

by Ab Currie

Advancing People-Centered Justice: New Research on Community-Based Justice

by Trevor C.W. Farrow, Ab Currie and Lisa Moore

Community-Based Justice

Can We Get There From Here?

Lawyers and Self-Represented Litigants: Taking Pintea More Seriously

by Jennifer Leitch

The Importance of Civil Justice Indicators