Canada’s online legal magazine.

About CBA Futures

The Canadian Bar Association launched its Legal Futures Initiative, the first comprehensive study of its kind in Canada, at the Canadian Legal Conference in Vancouver in August 2012. The first phase of the initiative – gathering research about where the legal profession stands, and talking to thought leaders about where it might be headed – is nearly complete. In June 2013 the CBA, the voice of more than 37,000 lawyers, law teachers, and law students from across Canada, launches the second phase: consulting with lawyers, clients and other stakeholders both about what they see coming and about what they think should be done about it. The goal is to lay the foundation for a new way to practice law in the next decade and beyond.

Posts by CBA Futures

Futures Past, Present and … Yes, Future

Change Now

ABS v ABS+ for A2J

Let the Next Generation In

Law Students: In the Midst of Change

#Cbafutureschat Recap: Law & Design

Could It Be Time for Apprentices Again?

Innovation Upside-Down With Mitch Kowalski

Baby Lawyers and First Steps

What Will Tomorrow’s Lawyers Do?

#CBAFutureschat Wrap-Up

Is Technology the Revolution?

How Will Technology Change the Practice of Law?

Moral Superiority

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

No Easy Answer on Access to Justice

How Would You Improve CLE?

On the Utility of Articles


Starting Off on the Right Foot