About Ken Chasse

For 40 years, starting in 1966, Ken was a criminal lawyer in Ontario and British Columbia, Canada, serving both as a Crown prosecutor and defence counsel. He was the editor of the Criminal Reports for 11 years; taught law school courses in both provinces concerning the law of evidence; and, conducted a national consultation process for the federal Department of Justice concerning a proposal to replace the Canada Evidence Act with an evidence code that was a Canadian version of the U.S. Federal Rules of Evidence; see: (1976), 34 Criminal Reports 26. Ken’s most important accomplishment was the creation of LAO LAW at Legal Aid Ontario. Its technology of centralized legal research has set a precedent as to the use of a “support services” method of providing legal services to thousands of Ontario lawyers. Since January 2007, Ken has concentrated on developing “records management law” as a new and necessary field of the practice of law. It involves several areas of law concerning the use of records. Since 1978 he has been a legal advisor in the development of the National Standards of Canada for electronic records management. For many years he has worked with such experts by providing legal opinions in relation to their servicing the electronic records management systems of large institutions. Ken has been a speaker at many conferences in regard to the law of evidence.