Canada’s online legal magazine.

About David Cheifetz

David Cheifetz was once a civil litigation litigator, first in Ontario and later in British Columbia, and also once an occasional author on legal topics; primarily on causation or contribution. His blog, "The 4th Monkey", at, is where you'll now (usually) find his (some might say) overly analytical musings. He retired from practice in early 2016 in order to "read law" for another graduate degree at Oxford. Why Oxford? At least because the gargoyles are better as is the weather.

Posts by David Cheifetz

Ronald Dworkin

We Don’t Trust You to Obey the Law

If the Mouse Roared, Then the Court Whimpered

Slaw’s First (?) Judicial Citation

Ediger v. Johnston, SCC Case No. 34408

Negligence in the Air

Two Passers, Two Hunters

Solomonic Judging?

The Causality Game

Adventuring With Philosophers

What Is the Solution?

Robots at War: Scholars Debate the Ethical Issues

K-K-K-K-K Katmandu

The Zen of Petard Hoisting and Maintenance

What Is 1.97?

Who’s the Boss?

Causing Commotion, but Not Here

We Were Warned

Be Cause – for Those Who Care

Why Is a Raven Like a Writing Desk?

Curiosity Has Landed

Clements’ Conundrums (Coda)

The “God” Particle

The Ethics (?) of Advertising