Canada’s online legal magazine.

About David Cheifetz

David Cheifetz was once a civil litigation litigator, first in Ontario and later in British Columbia, and also once an occasional author on legal topics; primarily on causation or contribution. His blog, "The 4th Monkey", at, is where you'll now (usually) find his (some might say) overly analytical musings. He retired from practice in early 2016 in order to "read law" for another graduate degree at Oxford. Why Oxford? At least because the gargoyles are better as is the weather.

Posts by David Cheifetz

On the Art of Judging

Newspapers and Truth(?) in Advertising

Measure for Measure

419 (Nigerian) Scam

Class Actions, Costs, Principal and Principle

Not Thy Parents’ Legal Keeper

Something to Offend Almost Everybody

Judicial Understatement


Show Me the Money?

Spam and the Toronto Mayoralty Campaign

The Sun Rose in the West, Again

Slaw IS Widely Read, Quoted Too

More Dead?

Polar Bears, Science, and Politics

Hard Cases, Good Law, Juries and Sympathy

John Belushi, R.I.P.

Without Costs, Because … ?

Infomercials and Legal Writing

Truth, Justice, and the American Way

The Postradical Legal Generation

A True History of Atlantis

Bad Spam and a Morning Giggle

What Were They Thinking?