Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Doug Ferguson

Doug has been an Adjunct Professor and Director of Community Legal Services at Western University’s law school since 2003. Prior to that he spent 20 years in private practice as a partner with the London firm of Bitz, Szemenyei, Ferguson & MacKenzie (now Szemenyei MacKenzie). His practice consisted of civil litigation, wills and estates, and tax law, including acting as a federal Crown for the Canada Revenue Agency. He has also served his local and national communities in various capacities, including as President of the Liberal Party of Canada in 2008-09 and as inaugural president of the Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education, which he helped to found.

Posts by Doug Ferguson

Three Research Challenges for Law Faculties

The Irony of the Bonkalo Report

Clinical Legal Education on the Move in Canada

Creative Initiatives at US Law Schools

Family Law Grant = Experiential Education = A2J

Law Schools at the Crossroads