Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Karin Galldin & Leslie Robertson

Karin Galldin is a feminist first, lawyer second. Her practice is comprised of civil litigation, human rights, and plaintiff-side employment law, and she is particularly interested in using tort and human rights law to strengthen institutional responsibilities towards women's physical and psychological security, as well as the physical and psychological security of other historically marginalized groups. Karin believes strongly in mentoring young women in the legal profession, and about embodying personal philosophies in the practice of law.

Leslie Robertson is a feminist lawyer practicing in the areas of family law, child protection, civil litigation, human rights, and employment law. Leslie works primarily with women, survivors of violence, queers, and non-traditional families. She is particularly interested in supporting marginalized community members in challenging abuses of authority, and she moonlights as an outreach worker for a needle exchange.

Posts by Karin Galldin & Leslie Robertson

On May Day and Mat Leaves

Law Students Take on the Dean

More Teachables About Sexual Assault

Donors Not Dads

Let’s Not Hate on Ford for the Wrong Reasons

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Sex Workers Improve Our Access to Justice

Enter Stage Left: Feminist Lawyers Arrive to SLAW