Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Dominic Jaar

E-discovery and legal technology expert, Dominic Jaar is the president of Ledjit Consulting, Canada’s unique firm specializing in information management, e-discovery, legal technology and law practice management. Mr. Jaar is the Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Centre for Court Technology.

He speaks throughout North America and is a prolific writer on many legal and technology issues. He is frequently quoted in the press as an expert on electronic information.

Posts by Dominic Jaar

Your Forum on Court Technology

A New Blog on the New Ontario Rules?

A Very First Neutral Citation

The BlackBook of FaceBerry

Praized Is Worth a Million Bucks!

Gmail Papier!

Do Not Hesitate to Forward This

Leg@l.IT Is Now Online!

Sieges Aux Premiers Rangs Pour Les Bloggueurs!

I Got Tagged!

After the Ambrogis, the DKs!

Ma Lettre au Père Noël

CAIJ Fait Pour Meriter Cela?

A Thing for Library?

Visioconference: Quebec (Canada?) vs USA

Transnational Electronic Data Exchanges (Take II)

LexUM: Un Univers

Transnational Electronic Data Exchanges

Records, Documents or Data

Les Juges Se Soucient-Ils Des Technologies

Du Déclin Des Bibliothèques en Entreprise