Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Joan Rataic-Lang

Joan Rataic-Lang has held the dual role of Executive Director and Library Manager at the Toronto Lawyers Association since July, 2010.  Previous to that was Library Manager at Aird & Berlis, Gowlings and most recently, Osler Hoskin and Harcourt.  Immediately upon graduation with her McGill M.L.I.S. Joan worked in library automation and has also spent time in  education and executive search.

Posts by Joan Rataic-Lang

One Way to Get More Organized……

HELLO, My Name Is Joan, and I …..

Convergence, or a Tale of Two Conferences

Progress v Change


Inspiration to Innovation

Google-Centric Habits and Gen Y

Elimination of Masters’ Registrars Positions

Where Have All the Articling Students Gone?