Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Alejandro Manevich

I am senior corporate counsel at Stantec, a Canada-based global design and engineering firm. Before moving in-house in 2017, I spent more than fifteen years in private practice, principally in Toronto, at firms large and small. While my interests and practice have covered many of areas of law - commercial transactions, complex and cross-border disputes, construction, environmental law, and regulatory and administrative matters, among others - the common thread for me has always remained how best to apply legal skills to effectively and efficiently solve real-world problems.

Posts by Alejandro Manevich

State Immunity, Torture, and Impunity

Absentee Voting, Part II

Al-Jazeera English Approved in Canada

Science, Pseudoscience, and the Law

Ice Fishing as a Lottery?

TVO Interview on Guantanamo

Recent Developments in Foreign State Immunity

A Christmas Gift for Administrative Lawyers

BCE Decision Released

Once Again, Karlheinz Schreiber

CRTC Rejects Internet “throttling” Complaint

Closing Gitmo

Absentee Voting

CRTC Announces Hearings on New Media

Law Firms as Public Corporations?

Access to Court Records in Ontario