Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Louis Mirando

Louis Mirando has worked in the legal information field for more than 30 years. He has worked in both academic law libraries (most recently as Chief Law Librarian of Osgoode Hall School, a position he held for 10 years) and private law libraries (as Library Director at Torys LLP in Toronto, among others). He has also worked in law publishing, both print and electronic, for both Carswell (now a Thomson Retuers Company, where he was one of the founding editors of the bilingual Index to Canadian Legal Literature/Index à la documentation juridique au Canada) and for Lexis. While pursuing advanced studies in the then-nascent field of the “book arts”, he held a number of academic distinctions, including as a junior fellow of Massey College in the in the University of Toronto and as a scholar of the Deutscher Akademisher Austauschdienst to pursue post-graduate studies at the University of Cologne.

Posts by Louis Mirando

The Curse of Loose­-Leaf Law Books

Preservation Week: Pass It On!

Legal Citation: Beyond the McGill Guide

Steal This Book!

Apples, Oranges and Legal Citation Practice

Building Canada’s Digital Law Library

Looseleaf Litigation

Rebuilding a Law School Library (Part 1)

Nova Scotia Rules!