Canada’s online legal magazine.

About National Self-Represented Litigants Project

The National Self-Represented Litigants Project builds on the National Self-Represented Litigants (SRL) Study conducted in 2011-13 by Dr Julie Macfarlane. NSRLP continues to conduct research on many aspects and implications of the SRL phenomenon, design and produce resources to assist SRLs in navigating the courts alone and advocate for the inclusion of user voices in the reform process. NSRLP posts are written by founder Julie Macfarlane, staff members, and guests.

Posts by National Self-Represented Litigants Project

Context Matters: Lessons in the Practicalities of Procedural Fairness

by Jennifer Leitch

Thinking Like a Non-Lawyer: When Plain Language Is Not Enough

by Jennifer Leitch

Access to Justice and the Promise of Virtual Proceedings

by Jennifer Leitch

True Access to Justice Means Effective and Consistent Access to Services

by Jennifer Leitch

Voices and Visions of the Future: What IPV Survivors Have to Say About the Ontario Court System

by Madhurie Dhanrajh, UofT Student Researcher

Teaching Access to Justice: Some Early Initiatives

by Jennifer Leitch and Dayna Cornwall

A Brave New Virtual World?

by Jennifer Leitch

The Failure of Unbundled Legal Services to Meet the Crisis in Access to Justice

by Jennifer Leitch, Executive Director

The Implications of J.N. v. C.G. for SRL’s, Anti-Vaxxers, and the Judicial Role

by Shannon Meikle and Charlotte Sullivan

Struggling for Accommodation

Memoirs of an Unwitting SRL

by Jeff Rose-Martland, NSRLP Advisory Board

Why I Am Still Constantly Shocked by the Way the Justice System Works

by Dayna Cornwall, Project Manager

Is the Pintea Decision Ensuring SRLs Are Given Appropriate Judicial Guidance and Support?

by Anjanee Naidu & Julie Macfarlane

System Alienation & the Capitol Riot

My A2J Nightmare

by Julie Macfarlane