Canada’s online legal magazine.

About John O'Sullivan

John is a senior Bay St civil litigator with substantial courtroom experience. He practiced as a partner in "Big Law" for 25 years. He withdrew in 2012 to set up his own civil and estates litigation practice that avoids the hourly rate model wherever possible. John offers "referred advocacy" services to lawyers and the public. He is a passionate promoter of law for innovation, and rules of civil procedure that allow litigants to get their matters in front of a judge for determination. He is a mandatory mediation sceptic. He questions the increasingly popular view that a lawyer has failed the client if settlement is not achieved, and they end up at the courtroom door.

Posts by John O'Sullivan

More on Rationing Civil Justice

Victims’ Rights

New Privacy Policies at Microsoft

The Black Spider Memos

Do We Need “Meet and Confer” Rules?

Boundaries to Fearlessness

Stunting the Common Law

Saving the Civil Trial

An Interesting Use of Judicial Review

TV Cameras in the UK Court of Appeal

A Digital Bill of Rights?

“Who’S Eating Law Firms’ Lunch?”

Niqabs in Court – the UK Experience

Civil Justice Delay

Crowd Law?

Rescission for Mistake

On-Line Dispute Resolution

You Tube and Access to Justice

Legal Innovator’s Round Table

Is a Court a Place or a Service?

A Treasure Trove for Civil Litigators

Solicitors v. Barristers

Gambling on Specific Performance

Mandatory Mediation (Reprise)