Canada’s online legal magazine.

About Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr

Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B., was called to the Quebec bar in 1988 and is still a member in good standing. She practised business, employment and labour law until 1999. For over 25 years, Marie-Yosie was the Managing Editor at First Reference, helping businesses across Canada ensure compliance with constantly changing Canadian legislation and best practices. Marie-Yosie is one of Canada’s best-known and most-respected HR Law and payroll authors, with an extensive background in employment and labour law, payroll and internal controls across the country, management and operations, policies and content production.

Posts by Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B. Compliance Editor and Previous Contributions by First Reference.

Posts by Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr

Loose Lips Lead to Lost Cash

The Perils of Remaining Silent

AWOL Court Clerk Justly Suspended

One Swing at Bat

Adding Insult to Injury

Sometimes an Apology Is Not Enough

When Colours, Animals and Work Don’t Mix

Mismatched Job Title and Duties Spark Dispute

Massive Payout to Defamation Victims

Severance for Employee After Company Sale