Canada’s online legal magazine.

About CBA Well-Being

In every province and territory, CBA Well-Being offers support, advice and training to Lawyer Assistance Programs serving Canada's legal professionals. We conduct research into the personal and professional challenges affecting lawyers. We develop programs to address them and to help lawyers lead healthy, happy lives.

Posts by CBA Well-Being

Coffee in the Times of COVID

by Pooja Chugh & Candice Pollack

Golden Milk: A Golden Remedy

by Pooja Chugh

The Power of a Smile

by Pooja Chugh

Mental Health in the Legal Profession: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

by Candice Ashley Pollack

Sad and Nervous or Depressed and Anxious: Is There a Difference?

by Cheryl Canning, QC

CBA Wellness Hosts 14th Annual Wellness Workshop

Vicarious Trauma


From Zen to Chaos and the Long Road Back

Shiny, Happy People

The Holiday Season, Reinvented

What Do You Do for Fun?

A Time to Learn: Lawyers and Mental Health


Practice Wellness

The Unconscious Barrier to Equality

Voices, My Personal Demons

“That’S What Friends Are For”1

Getting to No

Smelling the Roses

A Little Story

Why Men Should Run Like Women

Fear of Discovery

The “W” Word

A “New” New Year’s Resolution

The Winter of Our Discontent?