Canada’s online legal magazine.

Archive for ‘Legal Information: Libraries & Research’

Why (And How) Is Free Access to CSO E-Search Useful?

I shared news earlier this year, but I wanted to follow up with some tips on how to get the most out of Courthouse Libraries BC’s free access to Court Services Online (CSO) E-search.

These tips include pointers helpful for anyone using CSO E-search, even if you are out of the province and don’t know anything about this useful tool for accessing BC court records and file information. Anyone can search CSO, see free results, and then pay to see deeper case information and pay to download available documents. You don’t need an account. So if you’re outside BC, . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information, Legal Information: Libraries & Research

CALL/ACBD AI Working Group Is Seeking User Feedback!

Good morning Colleagues! La version française suit. We are writing to you on behalf of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries AI Working Group (WG). The WG is responsible for developing guidance on the use of artificial intelligence in legal technologies, including both commercial and non-commercial databases. The databases anticipated to be covered would be those that use legal information sources (statutes, regulations, cases, commentary, and other sources) as their primary data source. At this time, we are soliciting feedback from the legal profession. Your feedback is important to the process, and will be used to help frame our final . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Legal Information: Publishing, Technology

Unlocking the Doors to BC’s Court Records: A Game-Changer From Courthouse Libraries BC

Over a decade ago I first pitched this, and after years of off-again on-again discussions, Courthouse Libraries BC has reached a notable milestone in legal research and public access to justice in British Columbia. We’ve secured special access to BC’s Court Services Online’s (CSO) E-search for all visitors to our library branches. This access is not just a new service—it’s a bridge to understanding the intricacies of legal proceedings, offering unparalleled insight into court cases within the limits of court records access policies.

What is CSO E-search and Why Does It Matter?

CSO E-search is an online portal that allows . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research


The Canadian Association of Law Libraries conference is #IRL in 2023. Our theme Innovation Research Leadership features a focus on each topic during the event May 28-31 in Hamilton, Ontario. Early Bird registration is available for a few more days if you are looking for a discount price. The conference is a must for anyone working in law libraries and welcoming to anyone who has an interest in legal research, knowledge management, legal technology. This conference is our first in-person event since our 2019 meeting in Edmonton. Our virtual events were very successful the last couple years. Member focused activities . . . [more]

Posted in: Education & Training, Legal Information: Libraries & Research

2022 Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing Shortlist

As Past-President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, I have the pleasure of Chairing the 2022 Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing Committee. This award honours Hugh Lawford (1933-2009), Professor of Law at Queens’ University and founder of Quicklaw. It is awarded to a publisher (whether for-profit or not-for profit, corporate or non-corporate) that has demonstrated excellence by publishing a work, series, website, or electronic product that makes a significant contribution to legal research and scholarship. After reviewing a number of excellent nominations, the Selection Committee is pleased to announce the short-list of nominees for this . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Legal Information: Publishing, Reading

Updating Canadian Metadata for Indigenous Materials

The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) that is responsible for the Canadiana collection of digitized documentary heritage has replaced the subject heading “Indians of North America” with “Indigenous peoples.” This will effect a little under 2,000 records.

“The content, metadata, and resource descriptions in the Canadiana collections contain language that reflects the biases, norms, and perspectives of the time in which they were created. With the guidance of CRKN’s Preservation and Access Committee (PAC), CRKN staff are replacing inappropriate language in the metadata and resource descriptions introduced during legacy cataloguing practices. The first phase of this critical three-phase project is

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Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research

Santa Claus and the Law

In Custodia Legis, the blog of the Law Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. published a fun little roundup this week about various laws relating to Santa Claus:

“Local, federal and foreign governments are doing their regulatory best to speed his mail and ease his journey across borders with foreign livestock, regardless of his nationality or the emissions his vehicle produces.”

You may have also caught the article Santa Claus in court: From bingo prizes to custody hearings by Nathan Baker earlier this week in The Lawyer’s Daily. Santa apparently managed to get himself into a spot of . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research

Survey of Law Library Plans for Print Materials Collections

Primary Research Group is a New York-based publisher of research reports and surveys about universities, libraries, law firms, hospitals, museums, and other institutions and law libraries in particular could learn a lot from their publications. The group’s reports tend to gather information from a wide variety of library types, both in the United States and Canada, and on topics such as staffing levels, the use of artificial intelligence, database licensing trends, spending on e-content, views of library services by law faculty members, and much more. Their most recent publication is the Survey of Law Library Plans for the Print Materials . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research

University of Windsor Leddy Library Creates Story Map on Missing Children of Indian Residential Schools

I am always on the lookout for innovative ways that libraries have found to create great stories about complex legal or historical issues that have many moving parts. This one is quite remarkable: the Leddy Library at the University of Windsor has created a site that tells the story of the Missing Children of Indian Residential Schools using maps. This intereactive visual representation of the residential school locations across Canada uses data from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report to document the experience:

“The recent discoveries of more than 1,700 unmarked graves at the sites of former residential schools in

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Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Technology: Internet

Victoria Law Reform Commission Consultation on Jurors Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Have Low Vision

The Victoria Law Reform Commission is conducting a public consultation on more inclusive juries. The state of Victoria is in south-eastern Australia and its capital is Melbourne. The Commission wants to find out what reforms are needed to improve access for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or have low vision who wish to serve as jurors in the state of Victoria. It issued a consultation paper in December 2020 and will be gathering input until the end of February. From the terms of reference:

“The Juries Act 2000 (Vic) provides a list of people who are

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Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Substantive Law: Foreign Law

What Does a Human-Centric Justice System Look Like?

Observers of the justice system and the legal profession, as well as writers of myriad reports by the Canadian Bar Association and others seeking to improve access to justice, all come to the same conclusion: to be successful, the system must be human-centred – arranged around and for the people it serves. This should be a given – to be successful any enterprise has to think about what the people using its services need. Successful enterprises remove as many obstacles for users as possible, in order to provide a friction-free experience. One of the frequent complaints from those who need . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Practice of Law, Practice of Law: Future of Practice, Practice of Law: Practice Management

Understanding Treason, Sedition, Insurrection, Rioting, Conspiracy in the United States

How does one describe the legal dimensions of what happened last week as a violent rightwing mob incited by the American President assaulted the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.? What words or phrases can one even begin to apply to such a wide range of criminal acts committed that day? An acquaintance of mine quipped last week: “What can the rioters be charged with? Do you have a copy of the US Code?” There are many resources from American scholars, legal analysts and independent sources such as the Congressional Research Service to help readers start to unpack the many concepts . . . [more]

Posted in: Legal Information: Libraries & Research, Substantive Law: Foreign Law