Upcoming CALL Webinar Promises to Be Educational and Fun

I just received this information from the CALL webinar committee, and thought the SLAW community would be interested. I work with Rick – he has incredible knowledge of legislation and a wicked sense of humour. Caroline is not unknown to the CALL community – she has spoken at annual conferences before, and has always impressed me with her skill as a speaker and her encyclopedic knowledge.

This is a session not to be missed!

    Thursday September 15, 2011
    1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EDT 

    Join two legislation experts in the first of a series of webinars that will share tips and tricks about legislation across the nation!

    The first half hour of this webinar will focus on Federal legislation. Learn about the traps and pitfalls of online legal research in the federal context and become familiar with what is and is not available electronically. Expect to discover at least one thing you did not already know about federal bills, parliamentary documents, statutes, regulations or coming into force provisions. The second half of the webinar will focus onOntariolegislation. Listen in on 20-things that may have slipped under the radar about Ontario’s statutes, regulations and the e-Laws website.


     Caroline Hyslop has been working in the legal information profession for more than ten years, and is currently in the Legal and Legislative Affairs Division at the Library of Parliament. 

    Twenty-four years ago Rick Sage toured the Ontario Legislative Library as part of a library school orientation. He has left the “Ledge” only once. In 2000, Rick was seconded to the Office of the Legislative Counsel where he joined the team that developed e-Laws, the government of Ontario’s official website for statutes and regulations.

    Register today!

    Each webinar costs only $45.40 for members ($67.70 for non-members) or purchase the whole series. Recordings of each session will be available to registered participants so you can still sign up for the series even if you missed the first live session. 

    For more information and to register for this webinar, please visit the Webinar Series website.

    Thank you,

     The CALL Webinar Subcommittee

    Liana Giovando, Connie Crosby, Meris Bray and Eve Leung

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