
Summaries Sunday: Maritime Law Book

Summaries of selected recent cases are provided each week to Slaw by Maritime Law Book. Every Sunday we present a precis of the latest summaries, a fuller version of which can be found on MLB-Slaw Selected Case Summaries at

This week’s summaries concern:
Civil Rights/ Courts / Trade Regulation / Criminal Law / Evidence / Extradition

R. v. Spencer (M.D.) 2014 SCC 43; 2014 CSC 43
Civil Rights – Criminal Law – Trade Regulation

Summary: The accused was charged with possession of child pornography and making available child pornography. The accused brought an application, alleging several violations of his rights under the Charter. The Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench, in a decision reported at 361 Sask.R. 1, dismissed the application. The accused was found guilty of possession of child pornography and not guilty of making available child pornography. The accused appealed the conviction. The Crown appealed …

R. v. Jacobs (P.G.) 2014 ABCA 172
Courts – Civil Rights – Criminal Law – Evidence – Practice

Summary: The accused was convicted of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, s. 5(2)) and two counts of failing to comply with conditions of release (Criminal Code, s. 145(3)). The accused appealed. At issue was whether the Charter applied to the search which led to the discovery of cocaine in her possession and whether the trial judge erred in the use and …

Summary: Diab was wanted in France for his alleged role in a 1980 bombing outside a Paris synagogue. France sought to have Diab extradited. The Ontario Superior Court (extradition judge), in a decision reported [2011] O.T.C. Uned. 337, committed Diab to await surrender. Thereafter, the Minister of Justice ordered Diab’s surrender to French authorities. Diab appealed from his committal and sought judicial review of the Minister’s decision to surrender. The Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal …

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