
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


Use Colour
Shaunna Mireau

Today’s research tip is more about research output than gathering. Do not be afraid to use colour to add visual clues to your research output. Using coloured text or tables is not appropriate for pleadings of course, but why not present your client with some visual clues in your opinions? …


Health Care Practioners: Please Don’t Keep Notes About Your Patients’ Discussions With Their Lawyers
Garry Wise

Today’s tip is for health care practitioners whose patients are involved in litigation. We recognize that it might be natural, and even good practice, for medical practitioners to ask their patients how their lawsuits are going. Particularly for those practitioners who provide counselling, these discussions may be essential to your work. …


Naming a Top File or Folder*
Dan Pinnington

You’ve probably got a good file and folder naming system all worked out — at least, I hope so. But sometimes when you’re working you want to force Explorer or Finder, depending on whether you’re in Windows or Mac OS, to bring a certain file or folder to the very top of the alpha list but don’t feel like doing the AAA Taxi trick used by the old Yellow Pages optimizers. …

*Editor’s pick

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