
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Mack’s Criminal Law Blog 2. Hull & Hull Blog 3. David Whelan 4. Le Blogue du CRL 5. The Docket

Mack’s Criminal Law Blog
MCL Nugget: Dhami ONCJ

In 2015 Parliament amended section 486.5, removing the requirement that such an order be “necessary for the proper administration of justice” and replacing it with the requirement that the order be “in the interest of the proper administration of justice”. The determination of whether the order is in the interest of justice is governed by, inter alia, a consideration of the factors set out in section 486.5(7). …

Hull & Hull Blog
Implementing Do Not Resuscitate Directions at Home

When sick, elderly or injured patients are hospitalized, the hospital usually has a discussion with the patient or their substitute decision-maker about end-of-life decisions. In particular, there usually is a difficult discussion about the extent to which the patient is to be resuscitated in the event of heart stoppage. Often, the patient wants to be allowed a natural death, with no heroic measures to prolong life, …

David Whelan
Taking Stock

I do a lot of things from habit, moving from one thing to the next almost by rote. One can forget to stop every so often and look around and say, “what else can I improve while I’m here?” Over the last year, I had a number of opportunities to reflect on this as I was plugging away at an accessibility project. The biggest hurdle about change may be stopping to make a deliberate choice to do it. …

Le Blogue du CRL
Sélection SOQUIJ – Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania c. A, 2020 QCCA 1701

ACTION COLLECTIVE (RECOURS COLLECTIF) : Contrairement aux prétentions des appelantes, le recours de l’intimée n’est pas prescrit car, depuis la modification de l’article 2926.1 C.C.Q. en juin 2020, le recours de la victime d’un préjudice corporel résultant d’une agression à caractère sexuel est imprescriptible, et ce, sans égard à tout délai de prescription applicable avant l’entrée en vigueur de la loi modificatrice.

The Docket
Prisons should be prioritized in COVID vaccinations

So, episode 114 – a new record. But you know that right? Because you subscribe to the show and have already rated and reviewed the podcast – right? You should. A huge thanks to my firm Abergel Goldstein & Partners who have not murdered me for editing the podcast at work! We are trying a new format over here at the Taman/Spratt studios – a shorter podcast in your feed every two weeks – like clockwork! So on to the show…


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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