
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. PierreRoy & Associés 2. Canadian Securities Law 3. Blogue SOQUIJ 4. RT Blog 5.

PierreRoy & Associés
Augmentation du paiement minimum des cartes de crédit : une mesure pour réduire l’endettement

À compter du 1er août 2024, le pourcentage du solde minimal à payer chaque mois sur une carte de crédit augmentera à 4,5 % pour les contrats établis avant août 2019. Cette hausse, passant de 4 % à 4,5 %, est une nouvelle étape dans un plan graduel visant à réduire l’endettement des consommateurs. Cette augmentation signifie qu’un consommateur ayant un solde de 1000 $ sur sa carte de crédit devra désormais payer un minimum de 45 $ par mois, contre 40 $ auparavant. …

Canadian Securities Law
EMDs Can Now Participate in Prospectus Offerings

The securities regulators in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Québec and Saskatchewan have published a temporary exemption that allows exempt market dealers (“EMDs”) to participate in prospectus offerings as members of selling groups in order to support capital-raising by early-stage businesses. The relief has been implemented through substantially harmonized blanket orders (“Blanket Orders”) that are effective for 18 months. …

Combat kafkaïen d’un client pour mettre fin à un contrat auprès d’une entreprise de télécommunications

Un récent litige devant la Division des petites créances de la Cour du Québec illustre bien l’importance, pour les compagnies de télécommunications, d’offrir un service à la clientèle efficace et de qualité. Dans cette décision, le client a communiqué avec l’entreprise pour mettre fin à son abonnement au service de télévision par satellite. Un employé lui a confirmé que le débranchement avait été effectué et qu’il prendrait effet le lendemain. Or, les prélèvements sur sa carte de crédit ont continué pendant 2 mois. Le client a donc rappelé l’entreprise pour les faire annuler. …

RT Blog
How understanding personality differences can help with workplace restoration

n workplace restoration processes, when engaging with the respective parties, it often becomes apparent to me that a factor contributing to their conflict may be the differences in their respective personalities. That is because those differences impact how they communicate, how they approach their work, their expectations of others, their expectations of themselves and so much more. When I gain an understanding of the individuals with whom I am engaging in a restoration process it usually gives me insight into the source of the concerns and inspires potential options for resolution. So, in this blog, I will discuss how understanding differences in personalities can help with workplace restoration.
The Problem with Industry Control of the OWA, and OWA Control of Oil and Gas Insolvency

The focus of this post is an internal memorandum written by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Orphaning and Insolvency team: the AER Memorandum on Unintended Consequences of Ministerial Order 043/2023 in Insolvency (the Unintended Consequences Memo). We describe a regulatory problem with potentially serious consequences for municipalities and the public that has not been disclosed to the public by the AER. The Unintended Consequences Memo was obtained in records obtained by the Faculty’s Public Interest Law Clinic in its ongoing closure liabilities access-to-information project under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c F-25 (FOIP). …



*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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