Canada’s online legal magazine.

Out of the Jungle

Out of the Jungle: Thoughts on the present and future of legal information, legal research, and legal education is a new group blog founded by Jim Milles (Director of the Law Library at SUNY Buffalo), Billie Jo Kaufman, and Linda Ryan. It’s going to have an American focus, but as we are all facing more or less the same IT issues, I thought Slaw readers would like to know about this blog.

Jim Milles wrote a provocative article “Out of the Jungle” for the February 2005 issue of AALL Spectrum whereby he advocates that librarians focus more on . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Another Contender – Corporate Filing Services

On July 27th I spoke about the Competition Heating Up With Corporate Filing Services, and spoke only of LIVEDGAR from GSI and DisclosureNet from XP Innovations.

Eric Leduc has kindly pointed me to a third contender, Corporate Retriever from Micromedia ProQuest. Back in the pre-SEDAR days, Micromedia was THE company we went to for filings. They published the OSC Bulletin for the Ontario Securities Commission, and made corporate filings available in paper and microfiche formats.

I have not yet tried out Corporate Retriever, but would like to do so. I’m interested to hear from anyone who has already done . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

RSS Feeds for Alberta Legislation

As recently reported on the VLLB, the Alberta Queen’s Printer has announced RSS feeds for both their website and QP Source Professional.

Sheldon Staszko, Director of Alberta Queen’s Printer, made the announcement via the Calgary Law Libraries Group listserv on July 27th. Alberta’s QP is the first to deliver this type of service via RSS in Canada. How long until the rest of Canada follows suit, either Nationally or Provincially, is anyone’s guess. Regardless, this is a great first step and definitely one in the right direction. . . . [more]

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Osler Goes Audio

Osler Hoskin Harcourt appeared to be the first major Canadian firm to employ RSS feeds from its website.  It has been using RSS to deliver newsletter articles from its various practice groups for the last several months.

Now Osler goes audio (their tagline, not mine) with podcasting from its website.  See:  Osler Reports .

Aimed at potential business clients, and discussing the latest trends in business, the first installment released this month runs about 7 minutes and discusses cross-border mergers and acquisitions.  Trends are identified using the experiences of their own clients as examples. 

Production value of the first podcast is very high, with . . . [more]

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Open Source and Beer

Since we are getting close to the dog days / silly season:

‘Free’ Danish beer makes a splash
By Clark Boyd
Technology correspondent

The Danes love their beer, but increasingly they are looking beyond the old Danish standby, Carlsberg, to quench their thirst.

The beer draws its inspiration from the open source movement
Students from the Information Technology University in Copenhagen is trying to help by releasing what they are calling the world’s first open source beer recipe.

It is called Vores Oel, or Our Beer, and the recipe is proving to be a worldwide hit.

The idea behind the . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Implications of Grokster for Search Engines

One of my partners just alerted me to a posting on The Deal about Blog Searching:

If you need any more evidence that search doesn’t end with Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc., look at the blog search engines. Technorati Inc., the self-proclaimed leader, IceRocket, Mark Cuban’s new venture, and Feedster Inc., another blog search pioneer, are just a few of the examples of a segment within search poised for growth.

Scott Rafer, CEO of Feedster, told me that Google and Yahoo! go about search in completely different ways. See the video interview for more on that. He added that search

. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

1911 Canadian Census Online

This via ResearchBuzz: the Canadian Census from 1911 is now online. It may be of only tangential relevance to law, but historians and perhaps even property lawyers will find it interesting.

Tara Calishain, who is ResearchBuzz, called up some place in Yukon — you can only search by geographic location. I, being Toronto-centric, tried a more or less random page for Toronto. Here’s a small snapshot of a very small section from the middle of one of the Toronto pages. Lots and lots of Scots and English and Irish…

. . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Taxonomy Letters

What follows is an exchange of emails (some excerpted) that preceded the launching of Slaw. I asked the group of core contributors about taxonomy — coming from “blogging,” I felt the need for categories. You can see how vexed the matter of taxonomy is and how interesting the discussion was getting to be, when, too anxious about ushering my baby into the light of day, I let a few days’ radio silence signal the end of the exchange, and imposed my own views.

Connie Crosby, as you’ll see, had the bright idea to post the exchange. It will act as . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Interesting Miscellany for Law Students

Just stumbled on a publication called Jungle Law, aimed at law students, which had a cute miscellany page:


20 Random Bits of Lawyer Knowledge

We found them. Use them to your advantage.

1. U.S. Presidents Who Were Also Lawyers
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
James Polk
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
Rutherford B. Hayes
Chester A. Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
William Jefferson Clinton

2. Oldest . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Pervasive Computing

How ubiquitous, embedded, transparent and animated can the internet gets and what will happen then.  That was the topic of the plenary session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Law Libraries last Wednesday.  It’s adapted from the article Jerry Kang, the presenter (a UCLA law professor), co-wrote with an architecture professor:

Jerry Kang and Dana Cuff, Pervasive Computing: Embedding the Public Sphere, 62 Washington and Lee Law Review 93 (2005).

I enjoyed his presentation a lot, but could not help being distracted by the fabulous software program he used in his presentation.  Instead of using the rather static PowerPoint, he used . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Web Password Hashing

Researchers at Stanford University have developed a browser extension that:

transparently converts a user’s password into a domain-specific password. The user can activate this hashing by choosing passwords that start with a special prefix (@@) or by pressing a special password key (F2). PwdHash automatically replaces the contents of these password fields with a one-way hash of the pair (password, domain-name). As a result, the site only sees a domain-specific hash of the password, as opposed to the password itself.
Web Password Hashing

This is aimed at those of us — most of us, perhaps — who use one . . . [more]

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