Happy Birthday Slaw

We’re four years old today. Since July 8, 2005, there have been 4,457 posts on which you’ve made 5,869 comments. Over 100 writers have contributed to our enterprise. And we’ve garnered some praise and prizes that give us great pleasure.

Of course, it’s all because of you, our readers. You’re the reason we started and you’re the reason we’re still here. On behalf of all of those who have written for us, let me thank you for reading what we write. Please keep doing it. And tell your friends about us. We’ve got more years to go yet.


  1. Readers of Slaw – and even regular contributors – can have scant idea of the generosity and dedication that Simon Fodden contributes constantly to making Slaw new. His imagination, good humour, intelligence and tenacity have left an imprint on every page of Slaw.

    As we celebrate, let’s raise a glass to the one person without whom literally Slaw wouldn’t have survived and prospered.

  2. Cheers, Simon & Simon. Happy birthday, Slaw! It’s been a pleasure being a part of it.


  3. A big echo to Simon Chester’s spotlight on the engine of Slaw, Simon Fodden.

    Four years and going strong, with the last year being perhaps our best! Many thanks to everyone who participates.


  4. Cheers and congratulations to Slaw and Simon. This is my favorite blog, law-related or otherwise.

  5. Past year, Steve – not the last year – there’s lots of life in the chopped cabbage mélange yet.