
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


How to Use Google to Search With a Specific Website
Dan Pinnington

The search functionality on many websites is dismal, and in sometimes it is non-existent. If you are looking for something on a specific website and can’t find it, don’t despair, Google comes to the rescue.
You can use Google to search within a specific website by preceding your query with “site:SpecificSiteURL” [substitute your URL and don’t use the double quotes]. . . .


Words That Lead to Sources
Shaunna Mireau

Emond Montgomery Publications, a respected Canadian Legal publisher, has a super resource available (with a free login and password) for going from a legal word to sources of legal commentary. It is found on the EMP website using the “Click for free legal glossary” link in the site header to get to the Glossary of Legal Terms. . . .


Verrry Scaaary: A Practice Tip
David Bilinsky & Garry Wise

Ah, it’s that hallowed eve when the law goblins come out to play, wreaking havoc and terror wherever they go. They may keep us up at night. They can even cause our insurers to quaver. There are many nightmares you could encounter when you visit The Haunted House of Legal Horrors. So beware the darkness, my friends. Don’t say we never warned you – one of these things happened to a friend of a friend of mine . . .

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