Calling All Innovative Lawyers, Law Firms and Other Legal Service Providers!

Have you developed a new and better way to serve your clients, a breakthrough way to find new business, or a truly innovative way to value and sell your services? If so, you deserve recognition from your legal industry peers, colleagues and clients. Presented by the College of Law Practice Management, the InnovAction Awards recognize lawyers, law firms, and other legal service providers engaged in extraordinary, game-changing, innovative activities. Apply today to share your breakthrough and to earn the recognition you deserve. Applications and more information are available at

Past winners are listed here.


  1. But Dan, this contest appears to be aimed at making this College of Law Practice Management some money. Its application form states:

    “Mail or E-mail your entry directly to and mail a check for your entry fee ($199 U.S. per entry*) made payable to The College of Law Practice Management [in Colorado].” (The entry fee is waived for U.S. non-profit organizations with the right tax exemption.)

    I vainly thought that 2 of my recent innovative Slaw articles might qualify for such recognition: (1) “Solving the High Cost of the ‘Review’ Stage of Electronic Discovery”; Slaw, April 17, 2014; and, (2) “The Dependence of Electronic Discovery and Admissibility upon Electronic Records Management”, Slaw Nov. 22, 2013.

    But they’re not worth the Canadian dollar equivalent of $199 U.S., in the U.S.
    Nothing is free; not even deserved celebrity.