
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


Say Thank You
Shaunna Mireau

When someone does or says something nice to, for, or about you, it is appropriate to express your gratitude. This holds true for someone who goes out of their way to assist you with your legal research problem. I am not especially advocating a regular contribution to the wine fridge of your local law librarian who helps you all the time – I leave that to you. …


What’s Your Bag?
David Bilinsky

This post continues the ‘no brainer’ posts about technology. This time it is about a bit of technology that most people don’t put much thought into, I suspect, namely their computer laptop bag. Now some people will say that a bag is a bag is a bag. I am not one of them. In fact I can say that I am quite particular about my bag. …

Mindfulness for Lawyers Goes Mainstream
Garry Wise

The Wall Street Journal, of all places, had a feature this week on the increasing prevalence – and acceptance – of mindfulness training for lawyers. In Lawyers Go Zen, With Few Objections, writer Jacob Gershman delivers more than just a clever headline. …

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