Statement From the (Outgoing) Prime Minister
In what may be his last statement as Prime Minister, Paul Martin today sent out this message:
January 25, 2006
Ottawa, OntarioAs Prime minister, I would like to personally thank and congratulate all Canadians who voted on Monday.
Your participation in the electoral process is essential in fostering a strong democracy for our country.
I am proud to see that Canada remains a healthy democracy, a great model for all countries around the world.
On January 23rd, Canadians expressed their choice and we wish the best to Prime Minister-designate Stephen Harper and his team.
I would like to reassure Canadians that my team and I will work together to facilitate the transition that will lead to the installation of a new government.
It has been an honour for me to be your prime minister and to represent Canada on the international scene. Canada is a great nation and its greatest days lie ahead.
While it is a touching sentiment, this message demonstrates a couple other things:
– that he is still Prime Minister until he resigns
– that the Liberals are going to be “nice” and allow the Conservatives to form the next government
The question remains as to what is ahead for Canadian government. If there is little confidence in this new minority government, will we be thrown again into a taxpayer money-sucking election in 18 months? Or will the Governor General ask someone else from another party to step forward to form a coalition government? The Liberals, of course, won’t want to see any of this happen until they find a leader to replace Martin. I have heard it said that, therefore, the Liberals could be the Conservative government’s strongest ally in the new House of Commons when it comes to passing legislation through. If I were Gilles Duceppe, I’d start being nice to MPs in other parties. Can you imagine the leader of the Bloc Québécois as Prime Minister?
Some exciting times ahead!
The RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Farce) from Friday, Jan. 20, had a hilarious skit which envisioned Gilles Duceppe becoming PM (he was as surprised as anyone). The clips from this episode are not yet available online but when they do get posted, they should be here: