Net Neutrality – the Debate Continues

Here are two recent articles about the ongoing debate about net neutrality.

First, from CIO Magazine, Ben Worthen warns “The democracy of the Web may soon be a relic of the past, a change that may have costly implications for doing business on the Net.”

Then, from CNN Technology, “Coming soon: The Web toll – New laws may transform cyberspace and the way you surf it .”

Why is everyone so relatively silent on this issue?


  1. Joel, you’re right: this is really important. I think people are silent because they don’t understand the change that’s in the offing. The articles you’ve cited are good at making the issues clear. What’s needed now, I think, is a better sense of what’s likely to come in Canada and what Parliament might or might not do about it.

  2. I have to disagree with you on people being silent. Work with Hands off coalition and while it is a very confusing matter, several people have taken a stance on this an stated opinions and raised awareness on this issue. Mike McCurry has come out against Net Neutrality and Bram Cohen has come out in support of a double tier internet, Cohen is the founder of bittorrent, and probably knows a thing or two about what is best for the internet. On the contrary several high profile people have also come out for net neutrality. Ther e have also been several articles about this topic. I hope these articles are helpful

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  3. For my own part I saw some cursory references to this subject listed in some U.S.-based blogs, but I have yet to see any source I usually read discuss it. It is great to have the links to all the articles, but I haven’t had time to seek them out, read them, and develop ideas. I thought perhaps it was just a U.S. issue since I hadn’t seen any discussion from Canadians to date, and I just have too many issues I am juggling to dig too deep into things that may not affect me.

    Sounds like you think these will, however. If that is the case, Joel, it would be very useful if you (or someone else here) could summarize the issue at hand and perhaps give some commentary. I’m more inclined to read further if I agree it is a concern.