The Friday Fillip

Finally: after a week of furious posting at Slaw (probably a record number of entries for a week) not a few of which entries were clearly affected by the anti-gravity effect of the nearby summer (five days off, at 7:26 a.m. EST), this is the thing itself, which may not be as dramatic as the Norwegian meteor or as funny as the American emigrés or as edifying as Google’s Shakespeare, but has a charm all of its own, I think.

click on this line to see the full picture

The Historic Tale Construction Kit lets you build your own Bayeaux tapestry — Harold can win this time — feudalism can be thwarted and the whole history of property law altered — or, as I did, you can do something silly. You can enter and size text as you wish and you can drag, drop, resize and move around characters like kings or dragons or trees, and your story can run to more than one screen.

The site says you can post your creation to the gallery but I found that the thing never did load. Maybe you’ll have better luck. I also found that the emailed link to my masterwork was no good. So I simply took a screen shot (Windows: shift-printscreen) and trimmed it here and there: a good story is worth working at a bit.

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