SCC Bulletin and News Release Feeds

Those of you who prefer RSS feeds to email list might like to know that The Court, which I’m managing at the moment, has taken an email subscription to each of the Supreme Court services — Bulletin and New Judgments (via LexUM) feedicon_small.png, and News Releases feedicon_small.png — and turned them into RSS feeds. You can subscribe by clicking on the appropriate feedicons, or by going to The Court and checking the sidebar.

You may be interested in how we did it: We created a blog in Blogger for each of the email lists; we then activated the ability to post to the blog by email, getting an email address for that purpose as a result; finally we subscribed to the email lists using the email address obtained in the prior step. The result isn’t perfect, and there may be better ways, but it bridges us over to a time when the Supreme Court puts out its own RSS feeds.

Oh, and we used Grazr to show the feeds on The Court site as well. Check out the Bulletins page.


  1. Nice layering of the technologies Simon.

    I’m a big fan of this type of strategy when feeds don’t exist. Basically any email alert can be converted into a feed service.

  2. Check out this service, which converts mailing lists to news feeds: GMANE – not sure if you have to own the list to use it…