A Good Index Is a Thing of Beauty

As a footnote to my post on Legal Indexing, here is a delightful piece on indexing from Intelligent Life.

And for fans of obscure works, any thoughts on what sort of work would have the following entries:

Ayn Rand School for Tots, 85, 111


Bacon, Francis, 291

Baldwin, Alec, 29

‘Barney Gumble’

alcoholic, 47, 129

Which website has the following completely unhelpful FAQs:

Q: What does an indexer normally charge?

A: It depends

To all our readers, a blithe Yule and a Guid Hogmanay.


  1. You had me at the Ayn Rand reference — The Simpsons. Do I get a free copy of Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge as a prize?