New Blog on Lawyer Addiction

A project that may seem a bit different from Stem’s usual path, this past Monday we launched a new blog to track information and issues related to lawyers facing addiction. This latest website, the Lawyer Addiction Blog, will be tracking the flow of information coming from LAP programs across North America, and increasingly, from around the world.

To provide a bit of background here, on Monday Stem also announced a new client, The Meadows Addiction Treatment Center. As I described with a bit more detail on Stem’s blog, I view this relationship as a rare opportunity; to pair a business goal with an altruistic endeavour.

The intent with the LA blog was to come up with a way to help highlight the content currently being produced in this area. We’re making no claims to expertise, and as noted in my introductory post, the tone will be very referential in nature.

If there is a way Stem’s small team can contribute, I believe it will be through monitoring and filtering the related content – simply put, adding infrastructure. We’ll also link this new blog to our other blogs & websites, and help pass some of the link value down to the content items themselves. With any luck, making the entire topic a little more search friendly.

To my knowledge, there isn’t currently a blog in this space; although I’d love to know if there was. And finally, I’d like to hear from LAP volunteers who might like to contribute, or relay their group’s content. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Congratulations on the new blog, Steve. I think it is a great idea, as it is something not often discussed. You should see if the editor of the Canadian Law Blogs list will add it. ;-)
