Canada Needs a CTO
Canada should have a Chief Technology Officer, similar to what Obama is doing in the US. While using modern tools to deliver government services is important, the role I am suggesting for a CTO is a bit different.
It would deal with how technology inter-relates with legislation and policy.
The general idea behind a Canadian CTO would be to have someone experienced and well-versed in science and technology issues, who understands current tools and trends in technology, where those trends may be headed, and how they may affect citizens and businesses.
Understanding that would lead to better legislation and policies on issues such as intellectual property, the internet, new media, the environment, privacy and security.
A CTO would help Canada advance its position globally, become more innovative, and create its own leading-edge visions in technology. All that is necessary for Canada to emerge strongly from the current economic malaise.
For an expanded version of this thought, see my Free Press article on my blog, or on Canoe
Great idea David. It may be where they are heading. I was randomly selected for a year long web survey today…