Fishbowl Haiku

If there’s one time of year that should give us cause to pause and look out from our legal Fishbowls it’s the autumn. Given the season, I thought I’d invite us all to take a break from our computer screens and document briefs and look out our windows to reflect on nature.

I had just such a moment of distraction last spring that I let slip into a Tweet. Peg Duncan (keeper of the LexUM e-discovery case law digests) translated it into this wonderful English-style Haiku:

the tower creaks

in the cool east wind

ridable waves in Toronto

Just awesome! And pretty hard to match.

The last time I wrote a poem was in Grade 2, but here’s one for size anyway.

little lost fly

thirty floors above Bay Street

fly away home

Are you inspired? Please share a Fishbowl Haiku by way of comment.



  1. reading law
    I feel wind on the pane
    snow is coming

    a box within
    a box inside a box
    am I the gift?

  2. Here in Vancouver
    Lotus blossoms and the law

  3. Thank you Simon and Anne. I am working outside of the fishbowl today, but you nonetheless brought me a smile. Dan.