Equality Rights Central Launches

The esteemed Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund, LEAF, has launched a website “to monitor developments in equality law.” Equality Rights Central is to be:

… a place to find cases, commentary, trends, news and facta about equality and discrimination issues, in law and policy.

This site is for advocates, academics and practitioners involved in equality rights, to monitor and advance the development of equality law in Canada.

Funded by LEAF and several provincial law foundations, ERC ( — Their acronym; not mine. Not particularly felicitous. — ) will offer updates on key issues as they move through the court system, analysis of these issues, and resources such as relevant factums and the like.

This isn’t a blog, though there is a News section, but ERC promises to update the site “bi-weekly”. Even so, there should be the ability to subscribe via RSS and to follow them on Twitter. Presumably these will be coming in due course.

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