Legal Information Institute of India

The global Free Access to Law Movement has just acquired its 34th member. The Legal Information Institute of India (LIIofIndia) opened for public access at the end of November, though the formal launch isn’t until March of 2011.

LIIofIndia currently has 50 databases, including, as you’d imagine, case reports from the 28 state high courts, federal legislation, and case reports from federal courts. The databases are of varying depth, averaging, it would seem, five years or so.

The main (i.e. advanced) search form is here.

Some links need fixing. For instance, the “help” link on the main page doesn’t function, and one of the “about” links leads to an index of the site. But these are minor matters in a very welcome development.

[via @richards1000]


  1. Robert Richards

    March 9: Legal Information Institute of India Officially Launches in Delhi