Two New Law Journals

I’ve come across a couple of new law reviews that might be of interest to SLAW readers…

1) The Washington Journal of Environmental Law and Policy from the University of Washington in Seattle. WJELP is a student run journal. Issues will be available for free online and the first issue is here. You can sign up for e-mail alerts of new issues at the journal’s website. All issues will also be archived at the University of Washington’s digital repository.

2) The Southampton Student Law Review is a new student publication from the Southhampton Law School in the UK. There are two issues so far, both online.

And while not a new law review, I wanted to plug the recent Canadian law journals tables of contents service that the Bora Laskin Law Library has been offering via our Blog. The October listing will be up in a day or so. You can now sign up to follow our Blog by e-mail.


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