Slaw Site News – 2011-11-10
Site news for those who read Slaw only via RSS or email
1. Comment Watch:
In the last week there were 47 comments. You might be particularly interested in these:
- the 14 comments on Dave Billinsky’s post “Occupy Vancouver Demands Released”;
- the exchange on guest blogger Erik Makgren’s post “Tort Reform for the Better: Adding Liquidity to Dry Judgements”.
You can subscribe to the comments on Slaw either as a separate matter (RSS, email) or as part of a subscription combining posts and comments (RSS, email).
2. SlawTips
This week’s tips on SlawTips are:
- Tuesday: Technology: Use the Space Bar to Advance in a Browser
- Wednesday: Research: Spam or Not
- Thursday: Practice: How Am I Doing?
You’ll find a brief excerpt of this week’s tips on Slaw, but the links above will take you to the full versions, along with 100 more tips. Advice you can use — short and to the point — every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
You can get to SlawTips at either or and you can subscribe by RSS or email. You can also follow SlawTips on Twitter: @slawtips
3. Maritime Law Book Selected Summaries
This week’s Maritime Law Book case summaries are in precis on Slaw and full at
- Workers’ Compensation Board (B.C.) v. Human Rights Tribunal (B.C.) et al. 2011 SCC 52 [Administrative law]
- Wallace v. Canadian Pacific Railway et al. 2011 SKCA 108 [Disqualification of counsel]
- Canada (Attorney General) v. Mowat 2011 SCC 53 [Judicial review]
- R. v. Madden (K.) 2011 ONCA 656 [Jury charge]
- R. v. Le (T.D.) 2011 MBCA 83 [Search and seizure]
- Clark v. Werden 2011 ONCA 619 [Champerty]
- R. v. Barros (R.) 2011 SCC 51 [Informer privilege]
Thus far, 135 summaries in total are available on You can subscribe to MLB-Slaw Selected Case Summaries via RSS or email.
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