The Friday Fillip: Meta

I’m feeling lazy this Friday — something to do with too much holiday merriment, I’m certain. So today’s fillip is pretty much a do-it-yourself flip to the week’s end. All I’ll do is point you to a site that gathers sites, some of which in turn gather sites. . . .

My target website is Open Culture, and, as you might suspect from the name, it’s a place where you can find free access to a lot of interesting stuff. As Dan Colman, site founder (and incidentally Director & Associate Dean of Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program), says:

Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. . . . Our whole mission is to centralize this content, curate it, and give you access to this high quality content whenever and wherever you want it.

But don’t let the “high quality” thing put you off. And as for the “learning,” there’s no exam. There are, however, links to: hundreds of audio books, 450 free movies, hundreds of ebooks, language lessons, college courses, and more.

That’s enough to keep you occupied for a while, I trust. Oh, and happy new year!

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