UWOJLS Launches First Issue
Canada’s newest student-run law review just released its first issue.
The University of Western Ontario Journal of Legal Studies is published entirely online, and is the first student journal coming out of UWO for over 25 years. The contents of the first issue are as follows:
Editors’ Note Lisa Di Valentino and Benjamin D. Tinholt
Niqab vs. Quebec: Negotiating Minority Rights within Quebec Identity Nafay Choudhury
Protecting Your Personality Rights in Canada: A Matter of Property or Privacy? Amy M. Conroy
The Rules of Professional Conduct: A Conflicting Guide for Counsel in Child Custody and Access Proceedings Jennifer L. Hiatt
Background on how this online law review was put together, approved and launched is available here on Slaw. Coverage from the UWO site is available here.
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