Tips Tuesday
Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.
How You Can Improve Your Mobile “Touch” Keyboard Typing Skills
Dan Pinnington
I am a Blackberry person, and I’m holding out (with great patriotic hope) for a new BB10 Blackberry with a real keyboard (apparently there is a model with a real . . .
New Government Publications Resource
Shaunna Mireau
A press release received in my email inbox inspired today’s tip. Because I subscribe to an email list used by Canadian law libraries (CALL-L – an open list, more info . . .
Time Management Part One
David Bilinsky
This is the first of two tips dealing with personal time management. There are two big difficulties when it comes to time management and trying to fit in all the tasks that we have to do in our lives. . . .
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